Charity Application Form Full Name of organisation (required) Type Of Organisation (required) —Please choose an option—Public SectorPrivate SectorUniversity or CollegeSports ClubCharity Registered in ScotlandIndividual Scottish Charity Number (if applicable) Address (required) Website Email Address (required) Telephone number (required) Has a previous application been made to the Trust? (Required) —Please choose an option—YesNo If Yes, When? (required) Name of Contact (Required) Position Contact Telephone Number (if different from above) Contact Address (if different from above) Contact email address (if different from above) Year Established Annual Accounts (delete non-applicable) Audited accounts and annual report enclosed Independently Examined Accounts enclosed Year ended: Briefly, what are the aims and objectives of you/your organisation? (required) Amount Requested [£] (required) Purpose for which the funding is required (including breakdown of costs for equipment etc) (required) Is this a request for funding for more than one year? If so, provide a breakdown over the period of the project and indicate preferred payment schedule Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: How many people will benefit from this funding and in which location(s)? (required) How will you assess the impact of the activity for which funding is requested (required) How will you provide assurance to the RCA CT Board of Trustees that the funding has been used for the stated purpose? (required) Declaration: I confirm that the information provided is correct. I confirm that if The Royal Company of Archers Charitable Trust agrees to provide funding, this will be solely and exclusively used for the purposes described in this application and if not so used, will be refunded. I agree to provide such financial information as requested by The Royal Company of Archers Charitable Trust to satisfy them that the funding was expended for the purposes described in the application. I agree to provide an update report upon request by the Trustees on how the funding has been spent and what positive effects it has achieved. Signature of Applicant (Required) [Sign using mouse/touchscreen]: Print Name (required)